Skin in the Game: Tackling Atopic Dermatitis with Topical Treatment - Episode 5

Addressing Itch and Quality of Life for Patients With Atopic Dermatitis


Panelists discuss how, based on clinical observations, atopic dermatitis imposes significant physical and mental burdens. Patients experience chronic itching, pain, and sleep disruption while experiencing psychological distress, social anxiety, and reduced self-esteem. Delayed diagnosis exacerbates these burdens, allowing disease progression and worsening quality of life.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • Discuss the physical and mental burden of disease for patients with atopic dermatitis. Based on your clinical experience, what have you observed to be the impact of atopic dermatitis on patient quality of life?
  • How can a delay in diagnosis or treatment contribute to the physical and psychological burden of disease?