Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases

Wegener granulomatosis with saddle nose deformity
August 05, 2010

For 10 weeks, a 34-year-old woman had refractory sinusitis, epistaxis, painful sores in her mouth with erosions in the nasal cartilage and palate, and otitis media in the left ear.

Allergic Rhinitis
May 19, 2010

Physical clues to allergic rhinitis include the allergic crease on the dorsum of the nose and allergic "shiners" or periorbital ecchymosis.

"Left, Right, Right, Left" for Best Nasal Spray Delivery
May 05, 2010

For my patients who use nasal spray, I advise them to use the right hand to spray into the left nostril and the left hand to spray into the right nostril.

Allergic Rhinitis: Update on Your Therapeutic Choices
March 31, 2010

Many pharmacological options exist for allergic rhinitis. Intranasal corticosteroids are the most effective medication class for patients with moderate to severe symptoms; those with milder intermittent symptoms can be treated with a second-generation oral or intranasal antihistamine.

Adolescent Who Holds Her Hand to Her Face
March 30, 2010

A 14-year-old girl is seen because of long-standing nasal itch, intermittent nasal congestion, and clear nasal discharge. Allergies to house dust mites and to cats shown on prior skin testing. Often has marked eye swelling when exposed to cats. Receives antihistamines when in flare-up and prior to cat exposure. The consumption of dairy products exacerbates all of the above.

Epistaxis in a 62-Year-Old Woman
February 18, 2010

A 62-year-old woman presents with epistaxis from the right nostril. Thenosebleed has lasted about 90 minutes, and she has become alarmedby the amount of blood on the tissues and washcloth she has applied to hernose.

Managing Allergic Rhinitis: The Role of Pharmacotherapy
November 10, 2009

While avoidance measures are a key component of the treatment of allergic rhinitis, pharmacological therapies are often needed to adequately control symptoms. Intranasal corticosteroids are highly effective and are particularly useful in patients with moderate to severe disease.

Allergic Rhinitis: Update on Diagnosis
October 02, 2009

Allergic rhinitis is highly prevalent; about 20% of adults in the United States and 25% of children worldwide are affected. It is a major societal expense, with direct costs, attributable to physician visits and medications, of up to $5 billion per year, and indirect costs, mainly stemming from lost productivity, of up to $9.7 billion per year. In the United States, allergic rhinitis results in 3.5 million lost workdays and 2 million lost schooldays each year.

Large B-Cell Lymphoma
September 11, 2009

Progressively worsening nasal congestion and headaches with diplopia and left proptosis for 2 months prompted an ophthalmology consultation for a 67-year-old woman. She had been evaluated multiple times for allergic rhinitis and recurrent sinusitis.

Eucalyptus Mist: Natural Therapy for Sinusitis
November 02, 2008

In addition to standard therapy for sinusitis, suggest that patients breathe in steam from water that contains eucalyptus leaves or oil.