Adolescent Who Holds Her Hand to Her Face

A 14-year-old girl is seen because of long-standing nasal itch, intermittent nasal congestion, and clear nasal discharge. Allergies to house dust mites and to cats shown on prior skin testing. Often has marked eye swelling when exposed to cats. Receives antihistamines when in flare-up and prior to cat exposure. The consumption of dairy products exacerbates all of the above.


A 14-year-old girl is seen because of long-standing nasal itch, intermittent nasal congestion, and clear nasal discharge. Allergies to house dust mites and to cats shown on prior skin testing. Often has marked eye swelling when exposed to cats. Receives antihistamines when in flare-up and prior to cat exposure. The consumption of dairy products exacerbates all of the above.


Girl in no distress. Vital signs unremarkable. Eyes not swollen or red at this moment. Nose breathing. No wheezes on auscultation. Habitus normal. Serious expression lightens appropriately with conversation. Developmentally normal for age. No dry skin found in elbow or knee flexures.



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