What, Exactly, is an Alcoholic Drink-equivalent?

The shapes, sizes, and content of a US alcoholic drink-equivalent vary widely. Get a quick educational summary of the variety and more data that may help in your daily clinical practice.

What, exactly, is an alcoholic drink-equivalent? Also known as the US standard drink, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction (NIAAA) definition of an alcoholic drink-equivalent is "any beverage that contains ~0.6 fluid oz (14g) of pure alcohol."

How much of any alcoholic beverage, exactly, comprises a US standard drink? How many US standard drinks are in a can, bottle, a half pint, or "a fifth?"

The NIAAA website "Rethinking Drinking" has answers to these questions and many more that might help you talk to your patients who are curious or who you feel may need information and support for a "drinking problem." Click through the slides below for an overview, then please visit the site.

*For additional information, please see What, Exactly, is Alcohol Use Disorder?