Treatment of Diabetes in Older Adults: Guideline Highlights

The Numbers: >90% of US adults aged ≥65 yrs have diabetes; 33% of those have T2DM; ~50% of older adults have prediabetes. We highlight new Endocrine Society treatment guidance.

The increased prevalance of type 2 diabetes in US adults is particulary notable in adults aged ≥65 years. Just as the aging process worsens the underlying pathophysiology of diabetes, the effects of aging also may accelerate the appearnce and progression of many common diabetes complications. Many principles of care for older adults with diabetes are the same as for younger persons with the disease; there are important diversions, however, which are clearly laid out in the "Treatment of Diabetes in Older Adults: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline." The short slide show below summarizes main areas of focus.Â