Every primary care physician needs a few specialty references at hand. Check out these 3 for assists with pulmonary patients.
Pulmonary Applications for Mobile Devices for use in Primary Care
Roche Blood Gas.
The app is set up as an interactive quiz with three rounds of multiple choice questions and six “mini-game challenges.” This App considers the following areas of blood gas pre-analytics: collection devices; anticoagulants; patient preparation, sample collection, mixing, treatment and transport, and storage.
Roche Blood Gas App.
Screen shots from iPad.
GOLD COPD Strategy.
The app provides the GOLD strategy for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease operationalized with interactive tables and charts; it features the COPD Assessment Test and the MRC breathlessness scale (the Combined Assessment). The MRC scale is presented in a wizard format that allows physicians to navigate through the interview and record status. The tool generates the scale total and categorizes the score.
GOLD COPD Strategy app.
Screenshots from iPhone.
The Lung Cancer Foundation.
The app offers patients information in accessible lay language on the process of diagnosis and on treatment options; it provides a comprehensive glossary of term and links to centers of excellence as well as educational videos. This app can help you help a patient newly diagnosed navigate the long road ahead.
Medical app developer Ted James, MD, of UNC Chapel Hill, offers this quick take on 3 pulomary applications for mobile devices that might come in handy in day-to-day primary care practice.One is a game-based approach to the basics of performing and interpreting ABG tests; another puts the COPD guidelines from the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases in your hands; and the third is designed to help you help a patient diagnosed with lung cancer navigate the road a head.Find more information on each below:Roche Blood Gas - Learn your ABGshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blood-gas-learn-your-abgs/id867552269?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D8https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.roche.bloodGas&hl=enGOLD COPD Strategyhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gold-copd-strategy/id576193649?mt=8Lung Cancer Foundationhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lung-cancer-foundation/id938220139?mt=8https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cc.openhealth.lungcancer&hl=en