The Tobacco Endgame: 4 Major Cardiology Societies Press World Governments to Act

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Four major cardiology organizations stand behind increased government action to eradicate tobacco use worldwide. Click here for a summary of why, why now, and how.

The American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology and World Heart Federation on May 26 released a joint opinion focused on realizing the "tobacco endgame." The opinion, The Tobacco Endgame—Eradicating a Worsening Epidemic, published in the journal Circulation, calls for a significant increase in action on a global scale toward permanent eradication of tobacco use.

The joint opinion partners urge governments worldwide to put into practice the World Health Organization's (WHO) MPOWER framework which outlines 6 essential policy approaches proven to reduce tobacco use. Progress will require countries to fund comprehensive tobacco prevention strategies.

The following slides summarize the opinion, including the global impact of tobacco use, the MPOWER calls to action, the joint partners' support, and specific calls to governments worldwide.