Testosterone: Terrible or Terrific?

The answer might depend on which study group you ask-and when. Facts from 3 new analyses of testosterone in action are presented in the 7 slides that follow.

Can the news about testosterone therapy get any worse-the FDA in March required class labeling to warn against possible treatment-related cardiovascular events; or, on the other hand, any better-2 large new studies find no connection between the hormone and heart attack/stroke?As that debate continues, other research findings, presented this month at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society and at the American College of Cardiology’s 64th Annual Scientific Session, look at the role testosterone levels play in evolution of risk factors for heart disease in men and the impact of decreased libido on serum testosterone in men as they age. Get highlights in these 8 slides:    ►► High testosterone, low estrogen linked to men’s heart disease  ►► New studies find no cardiovascular risk with testosterone therapy  ►► Low testosterone may be due to decrease in sexual activity and desire in older men