Something Fishy: 8 Ichthyosis Questions

Disfiguring skin signs were seen in all 3 children, but not their parents. Take this quick quiz to test your knowledge of the “fish scale disease.”

The prefix "ichthy" is from the Greek for the word fish, and ichthyosis is known as “fish scale disease” because dead skin accumulates in a pattern similar to a fish’s scales.

Parents were justifiably suspicious when all 3 of their children showed disfiguring signs of this mysterious skin condition but neither parent had the problem.

Even the doctor at the acute care clinic where the parents brought their children remarked that he was “not sure what this is all about.”

Ichthyosis has many types, and an exact diagnosis may be difficult. Take this quick quiz to test your knowledge of the fish scale disease.

Note: If you would like more information on any of the questions, a link to the original article, “A Family with Flaky Skin,” is provided on the last page of the quiz.

Question 1:

 For more information on all questions and answers, please visit “A Family with Flaky Skin.””