Respiratory Tripledemic 2022-23: Expert Update, Top Challenges

Distinguishing between influenza, COVID-19, and RSV and persuading vaccine-weary patients to get vaccinated are some of the challenges this season, says William Schaffner, MD.

"This has certainly been a distinctive season," said William Schaffner, MD, to Patient Care Online when asked about the current status of the 2022-2023 respiratory virus season.

This season is unique with the cocirculation of influenza, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The "tripledemic," as it has been named, has brought challenges to clinicians caring for infected persons, such as diagnosing between the 3 respiratory diseases and persuading a vaccine weary population that they should get vaccinated, both with the influenza vaccine and the updated COVID-19 boosters. Below, Dr Schaffner gives a brief update on the current respiratory virus season and shares what his top challenges have been so far.