New MMR Vaccine Ready for Fall: How Will it Be Different?

The GSK MMR vaccine Priorix is the first new MMR shot to be available since the Merck immunization was approved in 1971. Similar? Different? Find out.

In early June, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for licensure a new MMR vaccine made by GSK called Priorix. Later that month the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (the CDC committee that makes recommendations) approved its routine use in the US.

Until now, the only approved MMR vaccine available in the US has been made by Merck and been in use since 1971. GSK expects its product to be available for purchase this August

Let’s look at some similarities and differences between the 2 MMR vaccines and when you might want to use one over the other.

1. A child with spina bifida is due for her first MMR vaccine at 12 months of age. She had an anaphylactic reaction to a DTaP syringe that contained latex in addition to having a contact (type 4, T-cell mediated sensitivity) allergy to latex and mom wants to avoid any possible contact this time.

You tell her: