ACC.24: The primary investigator of the VICTORION-INITIATE study explains why new strategies are needed to accelerate LDL-C lowering in high-risk individuals.
"So what we were asking in this study was how can we do better treating cholesterol issues in people with cardiovascular disease? Because the sad reality is that very few of our patients who have atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease reach the guideline recommended goals for LDL-C. Why are we doing so poorly and how can we do better?" He explains further in this conversation.
Michael J Koren, MD, primary investigator of the VICTORION-INITIATE study, is a cardiologist and serves as the chief executive officer at ENCORE Research Group, in Jacksonville, FL. Koren founded ENCORE in 1997 and since then the organization has conducted more than 2500 clinical trials across 8 locations in Florida.