Long COVID is Still Real and Patients Still Need Validation, Especially for Mental Health Symptoms: Author Interview

"I'd say the first step to treatment is really to establish a therapeutic alliance by listening to the patient, believing them and validating their experience. This is true anytime. But it's particularly important in patients with long COVID..."

Physiatrist Abby Cheng, MD, an author of the recently released American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation's Long COVID Mental Health Consensus Guidance Statement, said many patients she sees describe having their post-COVID-19 mental health symptoms dismissed, by loved ones and health care providers, alike. She spoke with Patient Care® recently about the approach to treatment for these symptoms and stressed that the critical decision is the one to treat, regardless of symptom etiology.

In March 2021, the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation launched the multidisciplinary Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) Collaborative, a cross-discipline group of experts convened to develop clinical guidance that would help improve quality of care for individuals with symptoms related to having been infected with COVID-19. The Academy believes there is a need for focused and ongoing clinical exchange among all members of the medical community to develop and implement appropriate clinical practice for treating all long COVID issues, not just those requiring PM&R intervention.

To date the PASC Collaborative has published 8 consensus guidance statements on the assessment and treatment of complications in patients with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2. Please take time to review the AAPM&R guidance statements on long COVID-associated cardiovascular complications, cognitive symptoms, breathing discomfort, fatigue, autonomic dysfunction, neurologic symptoms, and manifestation in pediatric patients.