Heather Yun, MD, IDWeek 2023 Chair, Says Emerging Threats May be Bigger than Pathogens

Conference | <b>IDWeek</b>

This article is part of our IDWeek 2023 coverage. You can find all of our news here.

"...one of the critical things about infectious diseases is that they're so interrelated with everything else on the planet," observed Heather Yun, MD, deputy commander for Medical Services at Brooke Army Medical Center, and professor of Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

Yun, who served as IDWeek 2023 chair for the Infectious Disease Society of America, spoke with Patient Care at the scientific sessions in Boston last week, emphasized that no single emerging pathogen or disease vector poses as great a threat to human health as a wide range of issues explored during the meeting, many of which are things "that would affect us whether or not they had anything to do with infectious diseases."

She explains more in the video here.

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