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The GOLD report committee member highlights advances in knowledge of COPD phenotypes and the new role for biologic medications in this year's video series.
In this Patient Care© year-end video series we feature interviews with leading physician scientists and principal investigators who discuss the most important clinical trials of the year with experimental drugs, devices, and procedures, the implications of findings for daily primary care practice, and the promise of these unique additions to patient care.
Welcome to Expert Perspectives 2024: Interviews with Key Opinion Leaders on Novel Therapeutics
In the interview series that begins with the video above, MeiLan Han, MD, MS, professor of internal medicine and chief, division of pulmonary and critical care medicine, University of Michigan Health, Ann Arbor, MI, discusses 2025 updates to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) report for treatment of COPD including the addition of the IL-4 and IL-13 inhibitor dupilumab and the PDE3/PDE4 inhibitor ensifentrine to the section on follow-up therapy targeting exacerbations.
In the first segment above she discusses updates that reflect the growing understanding of COPD as a heterogenous disease with recognizable phenotypes.
For the other videos in the series, see: