Diabetes Device Comparison Made Easy: The Story Behind DiabetesWise Pro

Compare, contrast, price shop, prescribe. DiabetesWise Pro developer Korey Hood, PhD, highlights the tool all primary care clinicians should try.

Diabetes technology - it's a jungle out there for clinicians who aren't familiar with the myriad devices and features or who have some experience with one particular system for a few patients but want to know more about others available and how they compare. Even for clinicians who have experience with a range of devices and types, an unbranded, unabiased tool for quick comparison would be helpful.

These are the "user groups" Stanford University's Korey Hood, PhD and team had in mind when they designed DiabetesWise Pro, a new one-stop diabetes device comparison tool launched in April. Hood spoke with PatientCare Online recently about the knowledge gaps and range of comfort levels he and his team identified among clinicians when it comes to recommending diabetes technology.

He describes the needs they found and the DiabetesWise Pro solution in this excerpt from our interview.

For more of Patient Care's conversation wtih Dr Hood, see:

DiabetesWise Pro: Side-by-side, Feature-by-feature CGM Comparison, Plus More

A Guide to Prescribing the Right Diabetes Device for your Patients, with DiabetesWise Pro Developer Korey Hood, PhD

Korey Hood, PhD, is a professor of pediatric endocrinology and of psychiatry and behavrioal sciences at Stanford Univesity, Stanford, CA. Hood also directs NIH- and foundation-funded clinical research focused on health and quality of life outcomes for persons living with diabetes. He has lived with type 1 diabetes since he was a young adult.