Bempedoic Acid Should be In Everyone's CVD Prevention Toolbox, According to Steven Nissen, MD

Statin intolerance is a "vexing" problem for primary care clinicians and specialists alike. Bempedoic acid fills a distinct need in that tool box.

"Everyone of us that sees patients has people come in and say, 'Dr Nissen, I tried statins, I cannot tolerate them; I won't take them.'"

Bempedoic acid, with or without ezetimibe, is an option any clinician who treats hyperlipidemia should be comfortable with, Nissen said in a recent interview with Patient Care.®

Nissen is Chief Academic Officer, Heart, Vascular, and Thoracic Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH and the primary investigator for the bempedoic acid and bempedoic acid plus ezetimibe clinical trial program, including CLEAR Outcomes.