American College of Cardiology 71st Scientific Sessions: Science Preview, April 2, 2022

ACC 2022. ACC late-breaking clinical trial sessions begin Sat, April 2, 2022. Our short slide shows highlight the studies of interest to primary care clinicians.

At the American College of Cardiology's 71st Scientific Session in Washington, DC, April 2-4, the latest findings spanning the breadth of cardiovascular disease research will be presented in late-breaking science sessions on all 3 days.

Whether you are attending in person or remotely, use these quick slide-show guides to review sessions and study titles. Use the "late-breaking" link to visit the ACC program page where all study abstracts will be available as the findings are presented. Start below with the hot topics on Day 1, including research on mavacamten, sotagliflozin, and bentracimab.

Sunday, April 3, 2022 Late Breaking Clincial Trials

Monday, April 4, 2022 Late Breaking Clinical Trials

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