10 High Notes in Music as Medicine

Using music in medicine is an ancient practice. Here we review recent research efforts to better understand and apply music’s healing powers.

The notion that music can heal goes back to ancient times. More recently, researchers are exploring how music can be used to address physical, psychological, cognitive, and social problems in a variety of patient populations as efforts are made to integrate music into medical practice.Click above for a brief review of recent developments in the movement toward using music as medicine.


1. Clinical Concertos

2. This Is Your Brain on Music

3. He Says Tomato, She Says Tomahto

4. I Can Name That Tune

5. Music Keys Older Adults’ QOL

6. Taking Music to Heart

7. Songs are in the Air

8. Tuning Out Pain

9. Indian Classical Music Hushes Migraine

10. Lullabies Spawn Child Development