10 Cold Facts About Winter Ills

Primary care physicians see many disorders more often or more severely in the winter months. Here, find 10 of these common cold-weather ills.

Ask a patient what are the most worrisome winter conditions and you’ll probably hear cold, snow, and ice.Ask a physician and the answer is more likely to be colds, flu, and cough.Numerous disorders occur more frequently or with more severe symptoms in the winter months. Read on for some cold facts about 10 common winter ills.


1. Cold Causes Colds

2. Flu Season Myth-busters

3. Cold Weather Workouts Induce Asthma and Coughing

4. Pediatric Pneumonia Most Often Viral

5. Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Linked to Cold

6. Weather Dampens Physical Activity in Patients with COPD

7. “Winter Vomiting Bug” Bites This Time of Year

8. Raynaud Is a Cold-weather Phenomenon

9. 'Tis the Season for Chilblains

10. Hypothermia Hurts the Heart