Watch this live video exam and hear details from the boy's mother about the acute, widespread eruption. What's your diagnosis?
The patient says the incidental finding appeared in adulthood and has been stable for years. Can you identify this reticulated erythema?
Would you consider oral steroids for a patient with acute radiculopathy due to a herniated disc? What's the clinical evidence of benefit?
The pain was immediate at T5-6 after he struck his head on the pool bottom. Can you Dx his injury based on the video interview?
What are the characteristics of this blistering rash caused by exposure to UV light?
What is causing this 14-year-old boy’s “shortage of breath"? Watch the video for clues and choose your diagnosis.
What do current guidelines recommend as first-line treatment for patients like 51-year-old TK? Check out these options.
The child is bright and alert and has no fever. The swelling is on the left side of the face only. Find other clues to a diagnosis in the accompanying video.
Watch this video taken during examination of the child. Listen as he cries. Is there a clue to the diagnosis?
The child’s episodic tantrum-like behavior and crying was only briefly soothed. Watch the video-is there a clue here to a diagnosis?