New study data suggest that routine placement of such a tube is not helpful in patients with upper GI bleeding.
Does sleep improve in asymptomatic patients with GERD when their reflux is treated aggressively? Researchers at Digestive Disease Week 2014 offered an answer.
An oral capsule that vibrates as it moves through the digestive tract may become a unique nonpharmacological treatment for chronic constipation.
Studies confirm that this proton pump inhibitor in patients taking low-dose aspirin or NSAIDs is highly effective in preventing upper GI ulcers or bleeding.
Two studies presented at Digestive Disease Week 2014 found that probiotics, when added to standard triple therapy, enhance cure rate and may reduce treatment side effects and disease symptoms.
A multicenter, 1090-patient, retrospective, 20-year study of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease produced surprising results.
Surgical techniques to remove precancerous polyps during colonoscopies can substantially reduce recovery time and the length of hospital stays, a new study shows.
A retrospective study presented at Digestive Disease Week 2014 suggests that bariatric surgery could be viable first-line therapy for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
A new study points to the need to revise the current standard of care for patients with bleeding ulcers. Intermittent proton pump therapy is an equally safe, less costly, more comfortable alternative for patients than standard care.
This 42-year-old woman lost 100 lb during the year after gastric bypass surgery. Now, she is diagnosed as having an ulcer. What might be the cause of the lesion?