Useful details here about HIV and age-related issues, sexual dysfunction, heart disease, and end-organ damage.
These suggestions will enhance your enjoyment of long meetings and will have your colleagues remarking on what a jolly, friendly person you really are. Ignore the advice at your own peril.
The good: this premier HIV conference offers a banquet of exceptional material. The bad: the expense and the grind of covering a meeting this rich-and lengthy.
Two studies demonstrate that raltegravir is an extremely well-tolerated and potent component of a combination antiretroviral regimen.
Replication of HIV within the CNS continues to be a hot topic, because it represents a viral reservoir that can complicate treatment, as well as control and prevention efforts.
“Super-spreaders” continue to play a major role in various epidemics, including tuberculosis and HIV infection.
Preliminary study results confirm that patient education and targeting those in higher-risk populations or who engage in high-risk behaviors continue to be important in preventing HIV transmission. Four specific recommendations here.
It is quite likely that we have entered a new era of treatment for individuals either mono-infected with HCV or co-infected with HCV/HIV. Details here.
The START trial is likely to provide a definitive answer to one of the most important clinical questions in HIV management: when is the optimal time to start antiretroviral therapy.