Skin Diseases

7 Syndromes of Summer
July 29, 2019

Summer brings sunburn, chemical exposure, allergies, and heat-related ills. Catch up on recent research on some of the unpleasant syndromes of summer.

Severe Drug Rash in the ED
December 06, 2018

Patient claims pruritic full-body rash is from a course of vancomycin. Is he correct? Could it be something else?

The Mysterious Case of the Boy who Barked
November 11, 2018

A 14-year-old with an odd facial rash has vocal outbursts at school, especially when teased and at home when stressed. What’s wrong? Your Dx?

Dry Cough, Rash on Legs
November 06, 2018

Patient is 54 y/o man; the cough has been present for 2 weeks, the rash on the lower extremities for 2 months; the rash is getting worse. What's your dx?

Alopecia and Forehead Lesions in Two Young Females
November 03, 2018

Two young girls present with nearly identical forehead lesions and mild alopecia. Do you recognize these signs? Can you Dx?

Lichenoid Eruptions: Can You Match that Rash with the Dx?
October 30, 2018

Test your visual diagnostic skills with an up-close look at 3 papulosquamous rashes and see if you can make a Dx match.

Head and Shoulder Lesions: Common Diseases, Uncommon Locations
September 01, 2018

Three cases of lesions often seen in primary care, 2 seen in uncommon locations. Test your visual diagnostic skills.

A Family with Flaky Skin
August 24, 2018

Three siblings share a scaly, lizard-like rash. Neither parent has the condition. What do you think this could be?

Crash Rash Quiz: 8 Psoriasis Questions
August 22, 2018

Guttate and other psoriasis may be confused with other rashes and skin lesions. Scratch the surface of your knowledge with this crash quiz.

Acral Anomaly in a Young Boy
August 12, 2018

Three-year-old boy has rash x7 days on arms and legs plus low-grade fever x10-14 days. Is the eruption anomaly or simply ordinary?