Mental Health

Stress in the US: 9 Key Measures and How Big Cities Rank
July 28, 2021

Cleveland ranks highest for financial and family stress; Newark ranks highest for work stress. Find out how well your metro area and your patients are coping right now.

Improved Outcomes Seen with Regular Antidepressant Use in Patients with Diabetes and Depression
July 26, 2021

Antidepressant therapy, used as prescribed, reduced risk for advanced complications of diabetes and death among more than 36 000 patients with comorbid diabetes and depression.

COVID-19 Pandemic Took a Huge Toll on Physician Mental Health
July 23, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has sorely challenged the emotional well being of all healthcare providers. Here, a look back is followed by a guide to moving forward.

Mental Health & Cardiovascular Disease: What's the Link?
July 15, 2021

What does the latest research say about the association between mental health and cardiovascular disease? Scroll through our quick slideshow for an overview.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Ups Ischemic Stroke Risk in Later Life
June 01, 2021

Adults with OCD were more than 3 times as likely to have an ischemic stroke after age 40 than those without the disorder, according to a study published in Stroke.

Primary Care COVID-19 Check-up: Physicians Remain Steady, but Challenges Mount
April 30, 2021

Primary care practices are keeping pace a year into the pandemic but face rising challenges—from mental exhaustion to lack of vaccine supplies, according to a national primary care survey.

A Year of COVID-19: New Wave of Health Concerns among Americans
April 09, 2021

Undesired weight changes and rising alcohol intake are a few issues facing adults due to prolonged pandemic-related stress, the latest American Psychological Association Stress in America™ poll reveals.

Interview with NIAAA Director on Rise in Alcohol Use During COVID-19
April 07, 2021

Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism George F Koob, PhD, talked with Patient Care Online about dangerous alcohol consumption linked to pandemic-related stress.

New Collaborative Care Model May Improve Mental Health Needs of Primary Care Patients
April 05, 2021

Developed by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania Health System, the model uses a referral management system to support primary care patients with mental health needs.

Risk of Depression Significantly Higher after Stroke vs Heart Attack
March 12, 2021

Stroke patients are nearly 50% more likely vs heart attack patients to develop depression, according to new research being presented at the upcoming International Stroke Conference.