Lung Cancer

Woman With Facial Swelling and Dyspnea
December 31, 2006

A 59-year-old woman presents with generalized facialswelling and dyspnea that has progressed graduallyover the past month. The patient also reports a sensationof pressure in her neck and ears and swelling of the lowereyelids, neck, upper chest, and upper limbs. The bloodvessels on her upper chest are prominent. A dry, irritatingcough has worsened.

HIV-Positive Woman With Dyspnea
December 31, 2006

A 48-year-old African Americanwoman with HIV infection who hadbeen hospitalized several days earlierfor presumed Pneumocystis cariniipneumonia (PCP) is readmittedbecause of worsening dyspnea and atemperature of 38.8oC (102oF).She also complains of painful swellingand erythema on her right arm.Her symptoms have worseneddespite treatment with trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole.

The Full Picture About Full-Body Scans
December 31, 2006

Several of my patients have asked me about full-body CTscans.

A Superior Treatment for Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
December 31, 2006

In their case report of a woman withsuperior vena cava syndrome (CONSULTANT,September 15, 2002, page1391), Drs Sonia Arunabh and K.Rauhilla appropriately indicate thatradiation therapy is the primary treatmentwhen the syndrome is caused bysolid malignancies.

Acute Dx: What Cause of Sudden Illness?
December 31, 2006

A 47-year-old man has had a posterior neck mass for severalmonths. The mass is not painful and has not changed color, but it continues toenlarge.

Asymptomatic Pulmonary Nodule in an Older Man
December 31, 2006

A chest film obtained as part of a routine insurance evaluation reveals a nodulein the right lower lobe of a 67-year-old man.

What Do These Images Reveal?
December 31, 2006

A 62-year-old man has had nightsweats and worsening fever andcough for the last 4 days; 2 days agohe had an episode of hemoptysis. Hedenies trauma or travel to a foreigncountry but has a 30-pack-year smokinghistory. The medical history isotherwise noncontributory.

The Case for Screening: Mammography Can Save Lives
December 31, 2006

Breast cancer causesmore deaths than anycancer except lung cancer inwomen of all ages. In womenbetween the ages of 40and 59 years, it is the leadingcause of cancer death.1

Right Shoulder Pain in an Older Man
December 31, 2006

For 6 months, a 69-year-old man has experiencedpain in his right shoulder; hetakes NSAIDs for relief. During the lastmonth, the pain has worsened, weaknessand tingling have developed in his righthand, and the skin on the right side ofhis face has become dry. The patient alsoreports a 1-month history of melanoticstools. He had smoked 1 pack of cigarettesa day for 50 years before quittinglast year

Acute Dx: What Cause of Sudden Illness?
December 31, 2006

A 60-year-old woman reportsthat she has felt intermittent“fullness” in her face for the past day.This sensation is present when sheis supine on the examination table.She denies shortness of breath, dysphagia,and chest discomfort. Thepatient has a 25 pack-year history ofcigarette smoking.