The CDC update recommends ending screening strategies that require multiple clinic visits for sample collection, favoring 1 visit and automatic HCV RNA testing.
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Direct-acting antiviral treatment was independently associated with a lower risk of mortality and liver and nonliver outcomes in a large study of adults with chronic hepatitis C.
Timely initiation of DAA treatment, regardless of insurance type, is crucial in reducing HCV-related death, disparity, and transmission, concluded CDC researchers.
IDWeek 2021: Young people who inject drugs can be cured of hepatitis C virus infection, according to 2 new studies.
The American College of Physicians urges clinicians to make sure adult patients, especially the most vulnerable, are protected against preventable diseases as COVID spreads and flu is imminent.
Prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is increasing and early detection is critical. Brush up on basics with our slides.
HCV is now diagnosed in millennials at about the same rate as in baby boomers; CDC responds with a recommendation for HCV screening in all adults aged ≥18 years.
Patients who received an HCV-positive liver for transplantation and were later treated performed as well in recovery as those who did not, a recent study suggests.