Eating Disorders

Eating Disorder Hospitalizations Increasing among US Adolescents: Daily Dose
February 15, 2024

Your daily dose of the clinical news you may have missed.

Eating Disorder Hospitalizations Rising among US Adolescents, New Study Warns
February 02, 2024

Eating disorders among US youth spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, but a new study shows hospitalizations have been inching up for a decade or more.

Eating Disorders in Men: A 5-question Quiz
September 30, 2019

True or False: Risk for death may be higher among men with eating disorders vs women. Plus 4 more interesting questions.

The Changing Faces of Eating Disorders
October 17, 2018

This quick slideshow sheds light on 3 common eating disorders that can impact patients across all populations.

New Eating Disorder in Men: Workout Supplement Abuse
August 19, 2015

More men are turning not to illegal anabolic steroids but to legal appearance- and performance-enhancing drugs, ones that pose a health threat all their own.

Binge Eating Disorder: Surprisingly Common, Seriously Under-treated
March 30, 2007

Binge eating disorder is more common than anorexia and bulimia combined, according to a national survey, but many physicians are unaware of the problem. The guidance and evidence discussed here highlight the key issues in recognizing and managing the disorder.

Identifying Bulimia and Other Eating Disorders: Recommendations From the AAP
December 31, 2006

Eating disorders among adolescents and children are agrowing problem in the United States; the number of caseshas steadily increased over the last 50 years. Up to 5% offemale adolescents have bulimia nervosa, and an estimated0.5% have anorexia nervosa.1

Young Woman With Cardiac Complications of Anorexia Nervosa
December 31, 2006

A 23-year-old woman has had 2 episodesof syncope during the past month.Her mother witnessed 1 episode inwhich the patient collapsed and lostconsciousness for a few minutes. Sheexperienced tonic-clonic seizure activitybut no subsequent confusion.

Anorexia Nervosa
September 14, 2005

A 30-year-old woman was brought to the hospital with syncope, bradycardia, and hypotension. For the past 6 years, she had vomited after eating meals and after occasional episodes of binge eating.

Anorexia Nervosa-Associated Raynaud Phenomenon
September 14, 2005

Evaluation of intermittently discolored, cold fingers was sought by a 39-year-old woman with long-standing anorexia nervosa. The patient had never smoked and was not taking any vasoconstrictive drugs.