Cervical Cancer

Cancer Deaths are Decreasing, but New Cases are Expected to Reach Peak in 2024
January 18, 2024

Over 4 million cancer deaths have been reverted since 1991, but new cancer cases are estimated to reach over 2 million, according to new data from an annual American Cancer Society report.

Remote Intervention Increases 3 Cancer Screenings Among Women in Rural US
May 01, 2023

A combination of outreach measures tailored to the needs of rural Midwest women increased recommended screenings by as much as 6-fold.

Update on HPV Infection
December 31, 2006

An estimated 20million Americansare currentlyinfectedwith humanpapillomavirus (HPV). Assuch, HPV is now the mostprevalent sexually transmitteddisease (STD) in thiscountry. Answers to commonquestions like the onesabove are therefore of particularinterest to physicians.The issue of when and howto use testing for HPV hasbecome especially crucial.

April 15, 2006

A 32-year-old woman tells you that she has had generalized weakness;swelling of the face, arm, and legs; diffuse myalgias; and a facial rashfor several weeks. Her main concern is her inability to keep her arms elevatedor get out of bed. Her history is significant for cervical cancer.

Woman With Abdominal Pain, Ascites, And Dyspnea
March 02, 2006

A34-year-old woman presents to the emergency department(ED) with rapidly progressive dyspnea.The patient has a history of metastatic vaginal clearcell adenocarcinoma secondary to diethylstilbestrol exposurein utero. Following her diagnosis in 1990, she wastreated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Shehad done well for years until a recurrence of the cancer tothe left lung was found last year. She completed a courseof chemotherapy with doxorubicin hydrochloride andcisplatin 1 month ago.

Adenoma of the Parotid Gland
September 14, 2005

An 83-year-old woman-who had not visited a physician for 20 years-presented to the emergency department with a 1-day history of urinary retention and a 1-month history of gross vaginal bleeding. The mass on the left side of her face was a secondary finding.

Rectal Bleeding After Pelvic Radiation
September 14, 2005

A 48-year-old woman was hospitalized following 10 days of rectal bleeding. One year earlier, she had undergone combined external-beam radiation and brachytherapy for stage IIIA carcinoma of the cervix. The patient was orthostatic and pale on admission, and her hemoglobin level was 6 g/dL. After receiving a transfusion of packed red cells, she underwent colonoscopy. Several telangiectases were seen in the rectum, the mucosa was friable, and blood oozed from one of the lesions.