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Participants with AF who used wearable devices reported higher anxiety levels and increased health care usage than nonusers, according to a new study.
Your daily dose of the clinical news you may have missed.
Patients with AF aged younger than 65 years have substantial comorbidity burden that may impact their future risk of mortality, reported researchers.
Overall, a 33% increased risk of major bleeding was seen, with risk highest during the first 30 days of concomitant use and persistent, but lower, after 6 months.
Your daily dose of the clinical news you may have missed.
Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy appeared equally effective in reducing risk of recurrent stroke following cryptogenic stroke in persons with evidence of atrial cardiopathy.
In apixaban-treated participants, risk of stroke or systemic embolism was reduced by 37%; the risk of disability or fatal stroke declined by 49%, but with noted bleeding risk.
The risk of severe CV events, including leading to death, was greatest in the first week following an exacerbation but remained significantly elevated 1 year later.
The 10 most important take-homes from the 2023 ACC/AHA AF guidelines are summarized in this Guideline Topline, an at-a-glance preview for primary care.