William M. Valenti, MD



2009 H1N1 Influenza: Antiviral Use for Prevention and Treatment

February 18, 2010

This discussion reviews the currently available antivirals and recommendations for their use in influenza prophylaxis and treatment. Because our understanding of 2009 H1N1 influenza is still evolving, some off-label use of medications is discussed and noted. Information on 2009 H1N1 is updated frequently, andreaders are encouraged to monitor advisories from federal, state, and local health agencies for up-to-date information. (Drug Benefit Trends. 2010;22:10-14)

HIV Update From the 2009 International AIDS Society Conference-Cape Town, South Africa

November 23, 2009

The Fifth International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention (IAS 2009) was held in Cape Town, South Africa, from July 19 to 22, 2009. More than 5500 delegates from more than 100 countries attended this annual event.

HIV and Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus: A Call for Preparedness

August 02, 2009

Human infections with a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus were first identified in April 2009, with cases in the United States and Mexico. The epidemiology and clinical presentations of these infections are under investigation.

The HIV-Positive Surgeon: Weighing the Risks

July 19, 2009

The recent report on an HIV-positive cardiothoracic surgeon in Israel has offered a contemporary perspective on the risks of transmission of HIV in health care settings, specifically surgical settings.

Academic Detailing: Focus Is on Appropriate Care

April 01, 2008

The practice of academic detailing is gaining interest and momentum in some health care circles. The primary aim of academic detailing is to prevent the overuse and misuse of certain medications. This is done by educating prescribers on the therapies that are clinically appropriate as well as the costs of therapeutically similar choices. It is less an issue of switching to generics than it is of favoring step therapy or moving toward cost-effective therapeutically equivalent options. A well-designed program should maintain prescriber autonomy and quality of care while helping manage drug costs for both health plans and patients.

Managing Managed Care: Health Literacy, HIV, and Outcomes

March 01, 2007

Managing Managed Care: Health Literacy, HIV, and Outcomes

Research Focus: Hepatitis C Update

January 01, 2007

Liver disease, particularly hepatitis C, has emerged as a major cause of morbidity and mortality for people with HIV/AIDS in the era of potent antiretroviral therapy. Mortality is increased in patients with HIV–hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection compared with that in patients with HIV alone.1,2