Stephen Schabel, MD





What Do These Images Reveal?

July 01, 2005

A 39-year-old African American man complains of mild dyspnea that has worsened steadily over the past 2 weeks and that is unrelated to activities or unusual exposures. He denies trauma, fever, and chest pain. His medical history is unremarkable.

Photo Quiz: What Do These Images Reveal?

September 01, 2004

A 23-year-old woman presents with severe right kneepain that resulted from a collision with another playerduring a soccer game. The majority of the force of theblow was to the right knee. The medical history is noncontributory.

Anterior Talofibular Injury in a Young Basketball Player

June 01, 2003

A 29-year-old man presents with right ankle paincaused by a basketball injury he sustained 1 day earlier.He fell after he had jumped up and landed on anotherplayer’s foot. The patient’s foot was “turned in” during thefall; this position indicates an inversion injury. He says hehas injured his ankle before but never this severely. Therest of the medical history is noncontributory.

Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis: An Uncommon Presentation

December 01, 2002

A 53-year-old man has hadmalaise, intermittent cough, and occasionalfever and night sweats for 2weeks. He has also lost some weightduring this time but denies hemoptysisand sputum production; he hasnot traveled abroad recently. His onlysignificant medical condition is hypertension,which is well controlled withmedication.