Ronald Rubin, MD


GI Distress in a Middle-Aged Woman

April 15, 2007

For several months, a 52-year-old woman has had burning discomfort in the region of her lower sternum and frequent acid/sour sensations in her throat; the symptoms are usually associated with burping after meals and recumbency.

Middle-Aged Woman With Severe Abdominal Pain

February 01, 2007

A 48-year-old woman is evaluated for transfer to the ICU. She presented to the emergency department 48 hours ago with severe abdominal pain and emesis. The pain had started several days earlier and was located in the upper abdomen with some radiation to the back. No position--even the fetal position--provided relief. After admission, she was given intravenous fluids and analgesics; in the last several hours, her condition has deteriorated. She now complains of thirst and is somewhat agitated.

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome in a Young Man

October 01, 2006

A 29-year-old man presents with a recent episode of light-headedness of sudden onset. Although he denies associated loss of consciousness, witnesses report that he was briefly unresponsive to verbal stimuli. He also denies chest pain, dyspnea, palpitations, and diaphoresis; he is currently asymptomatic.

Proteinuria and Renal Failure in an Older Man

September 15, 2006

A 62-year-old previously healthy man is admitted for right upper quadrant pain; a workup reveals acute cholecystitis as the cause. During evaluation for surgery, his creatinine level is found to be 6.0 mg/dL; 1 year earlier it was 1.0 mg/dL. A trial of fluids does not lower the creatinine level. Renal ultrasonography shows no obstruction but reveals increased kidney size (left, 11.4 3 4.4 3 5.0 cm; right, 10.1 3 4.6 3 4.5 cm) with increased diffuse echogenicity.

Amyloidosis in an Older Man

September 15, 2006

A 62-year-old previously healthy man is admitted for right upper quadrant pain; a workup reveals acute cholecystitis as the cause. During evaluation for surgery, his creatinine level is found to be 6.0 mg/dL; 1 year earlier it was 1.0 mg/dL.

Cardiac Symptoms in Woman With History of Breast Cancer

September 01, 2006

A 64-year-old woman presents with persistent, progressively worsening chest pain and dyspnea of 1 month's duration. She also reports orthopnea, bilateral leg swelling, and weight gain. She denies any history of similar symptoms.

Breast Infection in a Woman With Diabetes

March 01, 2006

Breast Infection in a Woman With Diabetes

Eosinophilia in a Healthy Man

January 01, 2006

The patient feels well and denies any symptoms; specifically, he has no pruritus, fever, weakness, fatigue, GI symptoms, or cardiac symptoms.

Teenager With Cat Bite

December 01, 2005

A 16-year-old boy visiting his aunt and uncle at a cabin in the country was bitten by their cat earlier in the day. He tried to pick up the animal after it had been injured, and it bit him on the dorsum of the hand between the thumb and first finger.

Woman With Facial Asymmetry of Abrupt Onset

December 01, 2005

A 57-year-old woman complains of burning and dryness in her left eye and altered sensation in her mouth when eating; these symptoms began the day before. A coworker who had noticed facial asymmetry recommended that she seek medical attention.