June 19, 2015
The child’s episodic tantrum-like behavior and crying was only briefly soothed. Watch the video-is there a clue here to a diagnosis?
June 12, 2015
At age 4 years, this young girl’s hair is falling out for the second time after growing back completely. She is otherwise healthy. Watch the video and make your diagnosis.
June 05, 2015
The child is alert and able to speak. Physical examination reveals abdominal contusions and inguinal lacerations. The abdomen is distended and painful to the touch. Watch the video, review the history, and make your diagnosis.
May 29, 2015
The 15-year-old presents with a sore throat, congestion, and malaise. Her mother, afraid she will infect her siblings, requests a strep test. Review the history, watch the video exam. What’s your diagnosis?
May 22, 2015
Accompanying vomiting and fever raised suspicion for appendicitis and a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was ordered. Watch the ED video, review the history, and make your diagnosis.
May 15, 2015
X-rays offer no clue to the cause of dyspnea in this teen who cannot take a deep breath after crashed on his bicycle. Watch the short video, read the clues, and make your diagnosis.
February 26, 2015
The sutures that were placed after this boy cut his toe with a piece of glass were removed after the wound became infected. What’s going on?
February 20, 2015
This 13-year-old boy presents with hyperpigmented skin on his neck. He is 66.75 inches and weighs 232 pounds. Your suspicion?
February 06, 2015
This afebrile baby presents with a target-shaped, centripetal rash. He has been taking amoxicillin for 5 days for an ear infection.
January 30, 2015
This monomorphic papular rash is unrelated to medications, recent sickness, or exposure to poison oak. It developed about 6 days earlier.