January 28, 2016
VIDEO: Patient reports worsening pain/bleeding x 4 days; history of diverticulitis. Watch abdominal exam, interview. Your impressions?
January 14, 2016
VIDEO: The patient describes the pain as sharp and says movement and leaning forward make it worse. Your suspicion?
January 04, 2016
VIDEO: A 12 y/o girl reports 5 episodes (45 mins each) of headache, hemiplegia in the past 24 hours. Can you make the Dx?
December 16, 2015
VIDEO: The patient says her "heart was beating out of her chest." Complains of dyspnea, faintness. PMH, here. Your Dx?
December 09, 2015
VIDEO: The lesions appear oval with trailing edge scale. Note the the pattern and distribution in the video interview; what's your diagnosis?
December 02, 2015
Patient has avoided medical consult despite left arm pain and weakness because she did not note any alarming facial change.
November 23, 2015
Patient describes extreme pain and submandibular progressive swelling after molar extraction several days earlier. Watch video exam.
October 08, 2015
Video: Right ear pain and purulent drainage have not improved despite antibiotic Rx several days ago. Watch the exam. What's your Dx?
September 28, 2015
Pt calls 911 for chest pain. In transit, signs, symptoms, history of the real problem are unmistakable. Your Dx?
September 10, 2015
He is actively seizing when EMS arrives. Mother says this happens once a year, about the same time. Details, in the video.