Naeem Aslam, MD


An Unusual Cause of Pleural Effusion

December 31, 2006

A 36-year-old man presents with a 10-day history of progressive dyspnea anddiscomfort on the left side of his chest.Three weeks earlier, he was dischargedfrom the hospital after a 2-week stayfor acute pancreatitis. He has a historyof long-term alcohol abuse and recurrentpancreatitis.

Woman With CMV Colitis

December 31, 2006

A 41-year-old woman with a 4-yearhistory of polymyositis with lupus featureshas had constant rectal pain for4 months. She has not noticed any factorsthat either aggravate or relievethe pain. The patient complains of intermittentconstipation (but no dischargeor rectal bleeding), generalizedweakness and malaise for the past 2months, a low-grade fever for the pastmonth, and a 4.1-kg (9-lb) weight lossover the past 6 weeks. She denies nightsweats or chills, anorexia, vision problems,drug allergies, and tobacco oralcohol use.