Leslie Trope, MD




Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Recognizing Telltale Skin Lesions Condyloma Latum

November 01, 2005

Telltale skin lesions of syphilis, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus infection, and Haemophilus ducreyi infection.

Ventricular Aneurysm

September 14, 2005

A 72-year-old woman who had fallen and injured the left side of her chest came to the emergency department complaining of pain in that area. She was physically stable and not short of breath. A soft systolic murmur was heard over the left precordium; the lungs were clear. A posteroanterior chest film showed no rib fracture but it did show an enlarged heart and a large, calcified ventricular aneurysm.

Mongolian Spots: Two Views

September 14, 2005

Mongolian spots are benign, congenital blue-gray macules or patches commonly found in Asian, black, and Hispanic infants (and in 5% of white infants). They are most often located in the sacrogluteal area and the upper back. The lesions may be solitary or multiple, vary in color intensity, and frequently enlarge until about age 2, when they gradually fade and disappear. Approximately 5% persist into adulthood.

Acute Gouty Arthritis and Gouty Tophus

September 14, 2005

A 5-day history of pain and swelling in the right third finger (A) were the complaints of a 76-year-old man. A few days earlier, another physician had prescribed indomethacin, 25 mg tid, but it had not helped, and the patient believed that his condition had worsened. He had had an attack of gout 5 years before but had not been taking any maintenance medication. The distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint of the affected finger was now erythematous and tender, with chalky subcutaneous deposits. A diagnosis of acute gouty arthritis and gouty tophus was made.

Allergic Reactions: Anaphylaxis Presenting as Macroglossia

May 01, 2005

Three days after having eaten fish, a 66-year-old woman with a known allergy to fish and a history of schizophrenia was brought to the emergency department because of macroglossia--a presentation of anaphylaxis.

Images of Hyperthyroidism: Pretibial Myxedema

July 01, 2004

Swelling of the lower legs broughtthis 57-year-old woman to a familypractice clinic. She had a history ofhyperthyroidism with weight loss,tachycardia, and anxiety. This conditionwas confirmed with blood testsand radioactive iodine uptake testing.