October 12, 2015
8-year-old Al is in for follow-up of an ear infection, but his mother is more interested in why no hair will grow on that spot on the back of his head.
October 01, 2015
The patient has similar lesions elsewhere on his body. Treatment with a topical steroid was unsuccessful. Can you ID?
September 22, 2015
Test your visual diagnostic skills, vote for your preferred Dx and treatment, and learn about 2 common annular lesions along the way.
September 03, 2015
An 11-year-old boy breaks out quite suddenly with a rash of papulosquamous lesions with a silvery scale. Can you Dx?
August 27, 2015
The asymptomatic rash came on quickly and is prominent on the boy's trunk and arms. Close-ups of the lesions in these slides may help you make the Dx.
August 13, 2015
Case study: What would cause a shock of stark white in the center of this child's otherwise black head of hair? Your Dx?
August 05, 2015
A summer tan failed to conceal this embarrassing rash on an 18 y/o boy’s arms, back, and chest. Can you make a diagnosis?