Joe Monroe, PA-C




Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Tinea Manuum

June 01, 2004

For years, a 39-year-old man had an eruption on his hand, which seemed to becontrolled with topical corticosteroids. The patient was a rancher.

Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Steroid-Exacerbated Tinea Corporis

June 01, 2004

The continuous use of a corticosteroid cream briefly relieved the pruritus of anannular, papulosquamous eruption on the left anterior thigh of a 50-year-oldwoman. The lesion was present for 6 months and grew larger with applicationof the topical corticosteroid.

Varied Presentations of Tinea Versicolor: Case 3 Papulosquamous Tinea Versicolor

March 02, 2004

A palpable papulosquamous, arciform chronic eruptionhad been present in a 70-year-old man for many years.The asymptomatic rash was in a “mantle” distribution-across the upper shoulders, neck, and back.

Varied Presentations of Tinea Versicolor: Case 1 Tinea Versicolor Confined to One Site

March 02, 2004

For several months, a 19-year-old manhad asymptomatic hyperpigmentedand hypopigmented macules on theright volar forearm. Recent applicationsof topical corticosteroids madethe lesions more noticeable.

Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Case 2 Moccasin-Variety Tinea Pedis

February 01, 2004

A 70-year-old man first noticed thisskin condition when he returned fromthe South Pacific at the end of WorldWar II. Over the years, the rash hasitched only occasionally; however,during a recent spate of hot weather,the eruption became highly pruritic.Applications of an over-the-counter1% hydrocortisone ointment exacerbatedthe condition

Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Case 9 Tinea Faciei

February 01, 2004

An eruption on the face of a 49-year-old woman had been misdiagnosed as astaphylococcal infection; the rash failed to respond to oral and topical antibiotics.A mid-potency topical corticosteroid also had been tried, but the eruptionworsened.

Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Case 8 Tinea Capitis

February 01, 2004

The parents of a 3-year-old girl sought evaluation of their daughter’s hair loss.During the past several months, a large patch of alopecia with scaling had developed.The differential diagnosis included seborrhea, trichotillomania, andtinea capitis.

Blistering Skin Condition: Hailey-Hailey Disease

December 01, 2003

Several times a year a rash erupts on the chest, axillae, and neck of a 41-year-old woman. Her father and siblings have a similar history. A biopsy of the affected skin confirmed the suspected diagnosis of benign familial pemphigus, which is also called Hailey-Hailey disease.

Fordyce Glands

October 01, 2003

A 38-year-old man was concerned that the small lesions on his lips were flatwarts. A biopsy identified Fordyce, or sebaceous, glands of the lips.


October 01, 2003

The soft “bubble” on the mucosal surface of a 42-year-oldman’s lower lip had developed, disappeared for 3 months,and returned. The lesion caused no pain or discomfort.