Jeffrey Hertzberg, MD, MS



No Benefit for Nasogastric Tube in Uppper GI Bleeding

May 06, 2014

New study data suggest that routine placement of such a tube is not helpful in patients with upper GI bleeding.

Treat the GERD and Sleep Will Follow

May 06, 2014

Does sleep improve in asymptomatic patients with GERD when their reflux is treated aggressively? Researchers at Digestive Disease Week 2014 offered an answer.

Rabeprazole with Aspirin or NSAIDs Prevents Upper GI Problems

May 06, 2014

Studies confirm that this proton pump inhibitor in patients taking low-dose aspirin or NSAIDs is highly effective in preventing upper GI ulcers or bleeding.

Probiotics Enhance Eradication of H Pylori When Added to Standard Therapy

May 06, 2014

Two studies presented at Digestive Disease Week 2014 found that probiotics, when added to standard triple therapy, enhance cure rate and may reduce treatment side effects and disease symptoms.

Higher Mortality in Lean, Not Obese, Patients With Fatty Liver Disease

May 05, 2014

A multicenter, 1090-patient, retrospective, 20-year study of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease produced surprising results.

Liver Damage Attenuated by Bariatric Surgery: New Treatment of Choice?

May 05, 2014

A retrospective study presented at Digestive Disease Week 2014 suggests that bariatric surgery could be viable first-line therapy for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Vaccination: It's Just Not Happening

December 16, 2013

Here’s an opportunity for primary care to have a major impact on patients with a specialty-treated disease. Specialists will never boost vaccination rates to where they need to be. It’s just not what they do.

A Case Study of Iron Deficiency in Ulcerative Colitis

December 16, 2013

All patients with inflammatory bowel disease are at risk for anemia at any stage of their illness. In the past few years, there has been been increasing acceptance of the safety, efficacy, and speed of correcting deficiency with intravenous iron. Here: the pros and cons of oral vs IV supplementation.

Budesonide for Ulcerative Colitis: Perhaps a Future First-line Agent

December 16, 2013

These data suggest it may be worth a try-before moving on to potentially more dangerous drugs.

Emergency Bathroom Access (Or Lack Thereof)

December 16, 2013

Fourteen state legislatures have passed legislation mandating that retail stores provide access to employee bathrooms for individuals with ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease and other medical needs.