October 29, 2014
At risk for mesenteric ischemia-an uncommon but feared cause of abdominal pain-are the elderly and chronically ill.
September 04, 2014
Rushing down a flight of hardwood stairs wearing socks lands a 38-year-old man on his back and then in the ED for evaluation of back pain that prohibits walking. Can you spot the problem on the x-ray?
September 04, 2014
Spinal fractures are most often the result of falls, motor vehicle accidents, or sports injuries. Lateral process fractures may occasionally be associated with renal injury.
August 19, 2014
The pain and bleeding have persisted for 2 days. She last menstruated 5 weeks ago but doubts she is pregnant. Take a close look at the ultrasound image. Your Dx?
August 18, 2014
Results of a pelvic sonogram reveal the etiology of lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding in a 26-year-old woman.
July 28, 2014
Recovery from a hemopneumothorax had progressed well for this 29-year-old man until today when he presents to the ED with dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain. What do you see on the chest x-ray?
July 28, 2014
Persistent symptoms of hemothorax or pneumothorax, in the absence of new x-ray findings require further inquiry, including chest CT, to rule out PE.
July 22, 2014
A diagnosis of adenovirus had been made at an urgent care center and zinc-oxide diaper cream was recommended. The rash did not respond and the child grew more irritable. There's more to the case, here.
July 22, 2014
Kawasaki disease is an uncommon febrile vasculitis of unknown etiology. It typically affects young children and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality if not diagnosed and treated.
April 21, 2014
The symptoms have worsened over a 2-month period. Past medical history is unremarkable. Here, review the ED chest x-ray film and ECG. Do you see any clues to a diagnosis?