Arunabh Talwar, MD

3 Waite St




Livedo Reticularis

September 16, 2011

A 62-year-old woman was seen prior to cholecystectomy. She had no cardiac or pulmonary disorders. Examination was unremarkable other than a purplish-reddish, lace-like pattern on the thighs and forearms.

A Man With Transient Dyspnea After Taking Tadalafil

August 31, 2011

A 26-year-old man presented with sudden onset of palpitations and shortness of breath after incidentally taking tadalafil. He had no other symptoms and no history of illnesses during childhood. He drank socially but denied smoking and use of illicit drugs.

A Patient With Nonresolving Pneumonia and Arthralgias

May 07, 2011

A 61-year-old man with arthritis and an 80-pack-year smoking history presented with fever, dyspnea, and productive cough of a week’s duration that did not respond to outpatient treatment with levofloxacin.

A patient with cough and progressive dyspnea

December 02, 2008

A 47-year-old man with HIV infection presented with progressive dyspnea and worsening productive cough for the past 3 weeks. He also reported increasingly purulent sputum production. The patient reported being adherent to his antiretroviral regimen, and he had an admission CD4+ cell count of 550/μL. He did not have any previous opportunistic infections, and he denied any drug or tobacco use, recent travel, and ill contacts.

A case of progressive shortness of breath in a patient with emphysema

October 23, 2008

A 71-year-old man who had received a diagnosis of emphysema 12 years ago was referred by his primary care physician to the pulmonary clinic. His symptoms were well controlled until a few months ago, when he complained of mild shortness of breath on physical activity. However, the shortness of breath worsened and became a significant limiting factor. He also had a persistent dry cough.

Chylothorax: A review of current management strategies

July 29, 2008

ABSTRACT: The most common causes of chylothorax are neoplasm-particularly lymphoma-and trauma. The usual presentingsymptom is dyspnea resulting from the accumulationof pleural fluid. The diagnosis of chylothorax is established bymeasuring triglyceride levels in the pleural fluid; a triglyceridelevel of greater than 110 mg/dL supports the diagnosis. The initialapproach to management involves chest tube drainage ofthe pleural space. The administration of medium-chain triglyceridesas a source of fat is often useful. If drainage remains unchanged,parenteral alimentation should be started. Surgicalintervention is indicated if conservative management is notsuccessful or if nutritional deterioration is imminent. If chylothoraxpersists after ligation of the thoracic duct, options mayinclude percutaneous embolization, pleuroperitoneal shunt,and pleurodesis. (J Respir Dis. 2008;29(8):325-333)