Alexander K. C. Leung, MD




Paronychia and Lymphangitis

September 14, 2005

Exquisite pain of 3-days' duration in his right index finger sent a 19-year-old man for medical consultation. He recalled that a thorn had become embedded in the finger while gardening 1 week earlier.

Postoperative Adhesive Obstructions

September 14, 2005

Adhesions can form within the peritoneal cavity after abdominal surgery, especially if there is an underlying inflammatory condition such as appendicitis or inflammatory bowel disease. The incidence of adhesive intestinal obstruction following a laparotomy is approximately 2%. Most adhesive obstructions occur within 3 months of the laparotomy, and 80% occur within 2 years. Adhesive obstructions tend to be more common in children than in adults.


September 14, 2005

The mother of a 6-year-old boy was concerned because there was a whitish mass between the glans and foreskin of her son's penis. She thought that this might be an accumulation of “pus.”

Angelman Syndrome (Happy Puppet Syndrome)

September 14, 2005

This 20-month-old girl was born to a 28-year-old mother at 38 weeks' gestation. The pregnancy was uncomplicated, and vaginal delivery was normal. The infant sat with support at 10 months of age, sat without support at 12 months, crawled at 13 months, and walked at 18 months. She had not yet begun to talk at 20 months. The child was noted to have frequent laughing episodes and often made flapping movements with her hands.

Bite Injuries: Human Bite

September 02, 2005

A 1-year-old girl was noted to have abrasions on the left cheek when she was picked up by her mother from a day-care center. The day-care provider reported that the girl had been bitten on the cheek by a 3-year-old boy during rough play. Her immunization status for tetanus was up-to-date.

Diabetic Man With Pruritic Pretibial Rash

August 01, 2005

A 69-year-old man seen because of a pruritic pretibial rash of 3 months' duration. Started as reddish brown papules that slowly enlarged and changed.

Allergic Reactions: Dermatitis From Old Sandal

May 01, 2005

A 3-year-old girl discovered lesions on her instep and great toe, where there was significant pressure from the old rubber sandals that she had been wearing.